Seasonal change of some anaerobic-based activities in young soccer players

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Power, Linear sprint, Jump


This study was conducted to compare the pre-season and mid-season 10m and 30m sprint and squat and active jump performances of the youth football players in the academy league of an elite football team. To the study; 18 football players with an average age of 16.50±0.71 years, an average height of 174.06 ± 6.53 cm, an average body weight of 66.89±7.09 kg, an average body fat percentage of 7.16±1.51 % participated voluntarily. Active and squat jump tests, 10 and 30 m sprint tests were applied to the athletes at the end of the first preparation period and at the end of the first competition period. A statistically significant difference was found between the active and passive jump heights and 10 m sprint times of the athletes before and during the season (p<0.050). This difference is that the jumping and sprinting performances of the athletes in the preparation period are better than in the first competition period. As a result, the number of training and competitions, the stress and accumulated damage that increase with the start of the competition period in young football players may cause the deterioration of some anaerobic activities.


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How to Cite

On, S., Kandemir, G., & Diker, G. (2023). Seasonal change of some anaerobic-based activities in young soccer players . Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(2), 411–425.