Attitudes of sports science students towards information and communication technology and their perceptions of distance education

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Education, distance, information, technology, sport


This research aims to examine the attitudes of sports science students towards Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and their perceptions of distance education. The study was conducted on a sample of 520 sports science students in Turkey. Demographic information such as gender, department, class level, and internet usage duration of the participants was collected. The research received approval from the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee and data were analyzed using various statistical methods. Data were collected using the 'Attitude Scale Towards Information and Communication Technologies' and 'Opinions of Distance Education Students on Distance Education' scales. Two-way analysis of variance (MANOVA) was employed to analyze the data for differences in means, and Pearson Correlation analysis was conducted to reveal relationships between the scales. According to the research findings, factors such as gender, department, class level, and internet usage duration generally do not constitute significant differences in attitudes towards ICT and opinions about distance education, although some sub-dimensions may vary. However, when examining the Pearson correlation coefficients and p-values expressing relationships between different sub-dimensions, it was observed that there were correlations between sub-dimensions of attitudes towards ICT and sub-dimensions of opinions about distance education.


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How to Cite

Turhan, F. H., & Canpolat, B. (2023). Attitudes of sports science students towards information and communication technology and their perceptions of distance education. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 814–837.