Investigation of the relationship between forearm and hand anthropometric characteristics and grip strength of elite and recreational sport climbers

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Hand anthropometry, grip strength, sport climbing


The emergence of climbing as a competitive discipline has led to research on many subjects. Many of these studies have focused on evaluating the contribution of anthropometric and upper extremity strength characteristics to sport climbing. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between forearm and hand anthropometric characteristics and grip strength of elite and recreational sport climbers. Forty male athletes, including national team sport climbers (N=20) and recreational sport climbers (N=20) aged 18-23 years, participated in the study. Anthropometric measurements of the athletes; height, weight and BMI (body mass index), anthropometric measurements of the dominant hand (hand length, palmar length, finger length, wrist circumference, hand width), forearm anthropometric measurements (forearm length, forearm circumference), shape index, hand surface area, palmar length/width, hand length/height formulas were calculated and recorded. For grip strength; hand and finger grip strengths were measured. The data obtained were analyzed with SPSS.23 package programe and Pearson correlation analyses were statistically evaluated at p<0.05 level to determine the relationship between the groups by independent sample t-test. Elite athletes had significantly higher experience, hand and finger grip strength, hand length, forearm circumference and lower BMI values than recreational athletes (p<0,01). Significant relationships were found between hand grip strengths, finger grip strengths, hand length and finger lengths in elite athletes, but no relationship was found in recreational athletes. Finger grip strengths were positively correlated with hand and wrist width. As a result, it can be said that especially hand anthropometry and grip strengths will contribute to the selection of elite level sport climbers.


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How to Cite

Baskan, A. H., Sarialioglu, N., & Kalayci, M. (2023). Investigation of the relationship between forearm and hand anthropometric characteristics and grip strength of elite and recreational sport climbers. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 617–634.