The relationship between career awareness and job search anxiety among university students

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Business, Anxiety, Career, Awareness, Sports Sciences


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between career awareness and job search anxiety among university students studying in the field of sports sciences. The research is designed using a quantitative research method with a cor relational survey design. The sample of the study consists of 359 voluntary students, including 225 males and 134 females, enrolled in various departments affiliated with the Faculty of Sports Sciences at Munzur University during the 2022-2023 academic year. In the study, data were obtained using a personal information form, the "Career Awareness Scale for Sports Science Students" and the "Job Search Anxiety Scale for Sports Science Students." For the statistical analysis of the data collected from the participants, SPSS 25 software was utilized. Firstly, the skewness and kurtosis values of the included data were examined to test of normality. Subsequently, assuming that the data followed a normal distribution, parametric analyses such as independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation tests were conducted. The analyses revealed that the rewereno significant differences in CASS and JSASS scores among participants based on gender, class, and department variables. However, according to the results obtained from the correlation analysis, a significant negative relationship was found between students' job search anxiety and career awareness. Consequently, it was determined that as the level of career awareness increased among sports science students, their job search anxiety decreased.


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How to Cite

Tutar, Ömer F., & Oner, B. (2023). The relationship between career awareness and job search anxiety among university students . Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(3), 1043–1058.