Bibliometric analysis of physical activity studies in Web of Science database with Vosviewer

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Bibliometric analysis, physical activity, vosviewer


In this research, it is purposed to present articles about physical activity in the category of sports sciences in the Web of Science (WOS) database in detail by bibliometric analysis. The WOS database was used as a data collection tool in the research. In WOS, the keyword 'physical activity' was used as a search criterion, and no limitation was set for the publication year. Research articles in the category of 'Sports Sciences' and indexed publications in the review were consisted in the research. 16,736 articles meeting the search criteria were found. Retrieved articles were analyzed with the VOSviewer (1.6.19) bibliometric analysis program. The results of bibliometric analysis were obtained in the most used keywords, the most cited author, publication and country, co-authorship, and co-citation categories. According to the results, it was determined that the first 5 keywords used the most were physical activity, exercise, rehabilitation, aging, and physical education, and the most publications were made in 2019 (N: 1573). It was seen that the author with the topmost of publications was Ryan Rhodes (N:58), and the most cited author was James F. Sallis (N:10.665). It was determined that the journal with the most publications was 'The Journal of Aging and Physical Activity' (N: 1431) and the most cited journal was 'Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise' (N: 64,404). While the most cited publication was Garber (2011), it was concluded that the most cited publication (N:5689) and the country with the highest citation (N:228,233) was the United States.


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How to Cite

Guler, M. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of physical activity studies in Web of Science database with Vosviewer. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 1040–1059.